
Traffic violators can simply pay their fines to the Dubai police using their credit cards through the e-devices owned by the officer.

The General Department of Traffic of the Dubai Police has handed out 100 e- devices which allow traffic violators to pay their fines on the spot through credit cards.

The e-devices can be used for multiple purposes; such as taking pictures and videos for record, reading the Salik tag and also the registration number of the car. This gives police access to details about the vehicle, including information on car ownerships and if it’s a stolen vehicle etc.

According to Colonel Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, Director of General Department of Traffic, the number of devices will be increased to 200 e-devices and the battery life will be up to eight hours.

 “While entering the information, all data will appear automatically on the screen and will show even for criminal or traffic issues in all emirates,” he said.

“It will also show if the car registration has expired or has accumulated traffic fines. Also when a traffic law is violated the person will be alerted on the spot about the type of violation” he added.

This will not only make the system more efficient but will also help improve customer experience and convenience of being able to pay fines on the spot and not having to go to the office to pay it.

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