
Data of Dubai Airports revealed that the Dubai International Airport will exceed its expected passenger number of 65.4 million for 2013.

Dubai, being the hub of tourism and hospitality, attracts millions of visitors every year to come and join the festivity of the Dubai life. This year Dubai has attracted a total of 60.3m passengers up till November, which is a 15.3 percent increase from last year’s figures.

“Dubai International’s total capacity increased to 75 million passengers per year when Concourse A was opened in January and this will be followed by the opening of Concourse D in early 2015,” said Paul Griffiths, the chief executive of Dubai Airports.

“We continue to focus on improving our facilities and customer service as our infrastructure development programme keeps pace with our healthy traffic growth,” Mr Griffiths added.

The exceptional hospitality and travel service that is provided in Dubai is extremely challenging to match – from five star hotels and resort with superior customer service, to an assortment of shopping malls, festivals and a vibrant night life.

The report by Dubai Airports revealed that Eastern Europe had been responsible for the highest percentage growth, at 56.5 percent. The results are predicted to be achieved by the Fly Dubai’s routes, who fly to 15 destinations in 10 countries in Europe.

Dubai, along with being a tourist attraction, also continues to be a business hub which brings passengers to Dubai and boosts the economy of Dubai.