
The Medical Fitness Department of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) took to twitter clinic to solve patients’ queries and also to inform them about the medical fitness process where Maisa Al Bustani, Director of Medical Fitness, responded to the queries on DHA’s twitter account.

The whole virtual activity turned out to be really fruitful as Maisa Al Bustani gave people useful health advice on many subjects. She advised people to get their domestic helpers screened for infectious diseases on their arrival to the UAE. “Mandatory screening for housemaids includes Hepatitis B, HIV, TB, Syphilis and pregnancy test. The housemaid also receives all three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine, if she does not have it already. We advise people to get their house help screened as soon as they arrive in the country,” she told. “Two categories of employees undergo additional screening, these include, household workers such as drivers, cooks, gardeners, nannies and housemaids. The second category includes people in the food industry, those working in beauty parlours and health clubs,” she said, “Additional screening is required for these categories because of the sensitivity of their profession.”

Elaborating more on customer service, she told about the mobile medical fitness service offered to companies with great employee strength. “This service is available for renewal of visas which only requires a blood test. Our team conducts these tests on-the-spot in the premises of the company. We encourage more companies to make use of this opportunity. At one time more than 70 employees are screened,” she told.

Moreover, she also told about the expansion of service centers, saying, “In addition to providing such services, we are also expanding our centers. By early 2015, we will establish two medical fitness centers for occupational screening. This screening is needed for those people who wish to get a certification according to the requirement of their profession. This includes heavy truck drivers, civil defence professionals etc. The centers will be located in Mirdiff and Karama.” Telling more about increasing the service centers across the UAE, she said, “By the end of 2014, we will establish one new branch in new Dubai exclusively for VIP patients. We have received many requests from customers in new Dubai for VIP medical fitness and in line with this demand we are building an exclusive center in new Dubai. This area includes Dubai Mariana Discovery Gardens etc.”