
Passengers often face multiple problems due to lack of information delivered to them on time or for instance misplaced boarding passes at the airport. In order to improve customer experience and reduce the effort required from the customer’s end, companies should offer innovative Apps addressing these issues. Apps should be designed which assist passengers in managing their itinerary according to their preferences. Save your customers as well as your employees the confusion and time restraints, by offering an ‘All in one App’ which provides information and improves the entire process.

Following are five smart ways in which use of an App can enhance customer experience on airlines:

Ease of Information Delivery

Airlines can help customers to learn more about their flight details and get important updates through their airline apps. In case of delayed or canceled flights customers can be informed on their smartphone or tablets, saving them the time and hassle of finding out at the last minute. If flights have been postponed way in advance, customers can be notified through the airline app, which should also be designed to give customers the option to sift through and book for future flight options. This enhances customer satisfaction as the customer considers the airline more dependable as compared to airlines without user-friendly apps.

Ticket and Boarding Pass Management

Airlines should look into offering customers Apps that lets them save their tickets and boarding passes, using their digital format through their gadgets. Not only does this save them from hassle and long lines, but customers feel more in control, since they know they have all the important information on them, and it becomes easier for them to check- in, rather than wait in a queue to collect tickets and boarding passes. Customers can also use the app to manage their flights, in case they are looking to change their flight dates, and can use the data in the app to book for another, more convenient date.

Pre-booking Decisions

Not every customer has the time or patience to wait over the phone for long durations or sit down to select their seats etc. All airlines should offer the choice to make seat bookings through the app which enables customers to choose a seat according to their preference.

This should also apply to the meal selection, where some customers like to pre select their meals in advance. For example, some customers like to have halal meals for themselves while others simply prefer vegetarian meals etc. Letting customers create a personalized experience for themselves through an interactive app builds the interest of the customer, who feels in control and looks forward to enjoying the experience he has crafted out himself.

The Emirates Airline App is a good example of this, it allows customers to book flights, select seats and meal options.

Customer Engagement

Apps can also be used to engage customers and grab their attention, through small features which the customers find entertaining and innovating. For example, some Apps let customers put in a destination or date and look for options which they can use to fly to places etc.

Other features include the option of maps that customers can view, which include routes to different airports or destinations around the world. An App by Lufthansa Airline lets its customers use interactive maps to see their destinations and airports etc.

Travel Information

A smarter way to encourage customers to use your airline and help them make fun travel plans is through offering data on best destinations to fly to and things to do in those cities. You can help create an advanced search for customers, which can assist them to sift out the destination they are looking for based on the kind of holiday they are interested in. This enhances the user experience and customers can select places they would like to go to. This can be linked with the deals offered by the airline to those destinations, further simplifying the process for the customers and inviting them to fly with your airline.